
Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Dignity of Work

One day Akhtar came late from the school and he was in angry mood. When mother inquired of him, he did not answer. At the lunch time his uncle Mr. Inayat came to visit them. At the enquiry of his uncle he explained that, social work week was being observed in his school and his teacher asked him to do inferior work. Mr. Inayat asked him whether their teacher did any work. He told him that his class teacher swept the class room and Head Master cleaned the bath room. Mr. Inayat told him that when his teacher had not felt insulted by doing inferior work, he should not have any cause for grumbling. Then he gave the example of the Holy Prophet (peace by upon him) who felt pride in doing work with his own blessed hands. He further told him that his companion were also like him. Hazrat Abu Bakar worked for widows and old neighbour. Hazrat Omar and Hazrat Ali did labour work. Hazrat Fatima did house hold work with own hands. Caliph Omar bin Abdul Aziz refused to hire a servant to help his wife.
Sultan Nasir-uddin earned his living by making caps and Emperor Aurangzeb by transcribing Holy Quran.
Their uncle also told them that in China and America people do not feel shame in doing inferior work. Even high officials do so.
After hearing such things Akhtar also realized his mistake and promised that he would not feel shame in doing work with own hands.

Question and Answers

Q.1 Why did Akhter not answer his mother?
Ans. Akhter did not answer his mother because he was came late from school and feeling cross and angry.

Q.2 What did Mr. Inayat tell the children?
Ans. Mr. Inayat usually used to tell interesting stories of different parts of the world. But on that particular day, he told the children about the importance of dignity of work.

Q.3 What reason did Akhter give his uncle for being cross?
Ans. Akhter told his uncle that he was made work like servant in the school.

Q.4 What did the teacher do himself?
Ans. The teacher swept the room and emptied the dustbin while the head master cleaned the bathroom.

Q.5 What did the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) love?
Ans. Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) loved doing work for himself and for others with his own hands. He used to mend His shoes, washes clothes and swept the room. He proudly joined his companions in digging ditch during the  Battle of Khandaq

Q.6 Were the companions of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) like Him?
Ans. Yes, the companions of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) like him. They were the complete sketch of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) personality and loved doing work with their hands.

Q.7 What did Hazrat Abu Bakr do?
Ans. Hazrat Abu Bakr was the founder of Caliphatehood. Hazrat Abu Bakr not only did his own work but also fetched water for widows and neighbours who was very old and had no one to work for them.

 Q.8 What did Hazrat Fatima do?
Ans. Hazrat Fatima was the dearest daughter of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). She fetched water, ground corn and swept the house.

Q.9 How did Sultan Nasir uddin earned his living?
Ans. Sultan Nasir-uddin was a very pious Emperor of Muslims. He earned his living by making caps.

Q.10 What does everyone do in China?
Ans. People at China believe that all ought to work. Everyone has to spend sometime each year working in the fields or in a factory. Even the Prime Minister and his wife do so.  They believed that all out of work and, no wonder, they are making such quick progress.

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